A Financing Partnership Program Designed to Meet Your Lending Expectations
Fallingst Technologies™' Core Partners
IP Backed Non-dilutive Financing Program Core Partners
At Fallingst Technologies, we provide important pre-funding document deliverables, advisory and facilitation services to our program partners of which increase the odds for successful funding events.
Phase 1 | Borrower Profile and Readiness Documentation
Phase 2 | IP Assessment and Valuation Report
Phase 3 | Facilitation and Advisory services through Program completion
An essential component of the financing program includes our Insurance Underwriting Partners who provide the necessary collateral protection insurance coverage used to “wrap” the IP assets for lending purposes.
Fallingst has established partnerships with a variety of large commercial insurance brokers, wholesalers, carriers in North America and Europe and Rest of the World (RoW). Our partnership also extends over to both Managing General Agents (MGAs) and Managing General Underwriters (MGUs), a specialized type of insurance agent or broker that has been granted underwriting authority by an insurer and can administer programs and negotiate contracts for an insurer.
We help our clients by partnering with global asset Capital Market Partners to help facilitate the funding sources behind our IP-backed debt structured financing packages. These capital market partners provide credit facility transactions (a form of Collateralized Debt Obligations [CDO] leveraged financing option) using the insurance policy as an attractive securitization vehicle to hedge against potential losses.